Yes, it is possible to pass the ACCA exams through self-study, but it requires significant dedication, discipline, and a well-structured approach. Many students choose self-study due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness compared to attending tuition classes.

The number of hours you should dedicate to studying for each ACCA course can vary depending on your prior knowledge, learning style, and personal circumstances. 

As a general guideline, ACCA recommends aiming to study for 300 hours per subject to be adequately prepared for the exams. However, if you have a busy schedule and can’t find the time to study, you can pay someone to take the ACCA exam for you.

Strategies for Self-Study Success in ACCA Exams

Passing the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) exams through self-study is certainly possible, but it requires a well-structured and disciplined approach. The key to success lies in developing an effective study plan that leverages ACCA-approved resources, regular practice, and a commitment to staying motivated and focused.

Understand the ACCA Syllabus and Exam Structure

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the structure of ACCA exams, which include multiple-choice questions (MCQs), objective test questions (OTs), and constructed response questions (CRQs). 

Explore the syllabus for each exam to understand the topics covered and the depth of knowledge required, paying attention to the weightage of each topic to prioritize your study efforts accordingly.

Develop a Realistic Study Timetable

Break down the ACCA syllabus into manageable sections and allocate specific time slots for each topic. Set realistic goals and deadlines to keep yourself on track, and aim to study for a consistent number of hours each day, adjusting as needed based on your schedule. 

Consider building in extra study periods after every few chapters to review and consolidate your learning.

Utilize ACCA-Approved Resources

Use official ACCA study materials, textbooks, and revision kits to enhance your understanding. Supplement these with online resources, video lectures, and practice question banks, ensuring you use the most up-to-date materials from ACCA’s Approved Content Providers.

Practice Past Exam Questions Regularly

Allocate dedicated time for practicing past exam questions to familiarize yourself with the format and test your knowledge. Attempt questions referred to in the question bank, comparing your answers with the solutions provided, and analyze your performance to identify areas for improvement.

Stay Motivated and Seek Support

Set milestones and reward yourself for achieving them to maintain motivation. Join online forums or study groups to collaborate with peers and seek guidance from experienced professionals. Consider building in regular breaks during study sessions to avoid burnout and maintain focus.

Review and Revise Effectively

As the exam date approaches, allocate time for comprehensive revision. Review your notes, practice questions, and focus on areas where you need improvement. 

By following this structured and disciplined approach, you can create an effective self-study plan that maximizes your chances of success in the ACCA exams.

How Can I Balance Work and Self-Study for ACCA Effectively

Balancing a demanding work schedule with effective ACCA self-study requires a strategic and disciplined approach. 

Craft a Realistic Study Schedule: Integrate your study plan with your work commitments using calendars and planners. Block out dedicated study sessions, even if they are short, and maintain consistency by dedicating time to studying every day, even if plans change.

Prioritize Ruthlessly: Distinguish between urgent and important tasks, focusing on the most crucial work and study responsibilities first. Delegate or reschedule less pressing matters to avoid burnout and ensure you allocate sufficient time to your ACCA preparation.

Identify Your Peak Hours: Determine the times when your focus and concentration are sharpest, and schedule challenging study sessions during your most productive hours. By working with your natural rhythms, you can maximize learning and minimize wasted time.

Find out: What is the best time for studying? 

Embrace Active Learning: Engage actively with study materials by taking notes, summarizing key concepts, and creating mind maps. Practice solving past exam papers to reinforce your understanding, as the more you participate in your learning, the stronger your grasp of the material will be.

Find the Right Study Environment: Locate a quiet, well-lit space conducive to focused study, minimizing distractions by setting boundaries with colleagues and family. Consider studying in a dedicated area at home, a library, or a co-working space to optimize your learning environment.

Utilize Technology Effectively: Explore online lectures, practice questions, and revision tools to enhance your learning, but use technology as a supplement to your focused study sessions, not a replacement. Additionally, you can take the ACCA exam at home. Opting for online study materials and taking the ACCA exam from home can be a flexible option if you have a busy schedule.

Breaks: Schedule short breaks throughout your study sessions to refresh your mind. Engage in light exercise, grab a healthy snack, or do some stretches, as a rejuvenated mind will absorb information more effectively.

Leverage Your Work Experience: Look for opportunities to apply theoretical concepts to real-world situations, solidifying your understanding and potentially impressing your employer. Demonstrate your commitment to professional development by integrating your work experience with your ACCA studies.

Seek Support from Others: Connect with fellow ACCA students to form study groups and discuss challenges. Participate in online forums and communities for valuable support and motivation, such as the student community group offered by SOE Global, which provides full support online and offline.

Prioritize Self-Care: Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthy meals, and exercise regularly, as a healthy body and mind are essential for tackling both work and studies effectively. Remember, you are not a machine, and taking care of yourself is vital for sustained success in your ACCA journey.

Hire Someone to take My ACCA Exam

How Hard Is It To Pass the ACCA Exam?

The ACCA exams are widely regarded as challenging and demanding, requiring a significant investment of time, effort, and dedication from students. 

Comprehensive Syllabus and Exam Structure

  • Breadth of Content: The ACCA qualification covers a wide range of topics, including financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, corporate law, and strategic business management. Students must demonstrate a deep understanding of these diverse subject areas.
  • Exam Levels: The ACCA program consists of three levels – Applied Knowledge, Applied Skills, and Strategic Professional. Each level builds upon the previous one, with the Strategic Professional level being the most advanced and challenging.
  • Exam Format: The ACCA exams are computer-based and include a mix of question types, such as multiple-choice questions, objective test questions, and constructed response questions. This format requires students to not only possess technical knowledge but also the ability to apply it in practical scenarios.

Depth of Knowledge Required

  • Technical Complexity: The ACCA exams assess students’ in-depth understanding of complex accounting principles, financial reporting standards, taxation laws, and auditing practices. Mastering these technical concepts requires extensive study and practice.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The exams go beyond testing mere memorization of facts; they require students to demonstrate critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to solve complex, real-world business problems.
  • Professional Skills: In addition to technical knowledge, the ACCA exams also assess students’ professional skills, such as ethical decision-making, communication, and strategic management. Developing these skills requires a holistic approach to learning.

Time Management and Stress

  • Exam Duration: The ACCA exams are t three-hour computer-based tests, which can be mentally and physically demanding, especially for students who are not accustomed to working under strict time constraints.
  • Stress Management: The high-stakes nature of the ACCA exams can be stressful for students, who must manage their anxiety and maintain focus throughout the testing period.

Continuous Assessment and Feedback

  • Ongoing Evaluation: The ACCA program involves continuous assessment, with students required to complete regular assignments, case studies, and practical exercises. This constant evaluation can be challenging for some students.
  • Feedback and Improvement: While the continuous assessment provides valuable feedback, students must be proactive in addressing their weaknesses and implementing the necessary improvements to succeed in the exams.

Can I Hire an Expert to Take my ACCA Exam?

Acknowledging the challenges associated with passing the ACCA exams, we provide comprehensive exam-taking services. Our services are designed to ensure that you achieve the scores you desire on your ACCA tests. 

With our assistance, you can eliminate the stress of preparing for these exams. Simply register and access our services immediately to start achieving your academic goals with confidence.

Continue Reading: How to Cheat on ACCA Exam


Can You Do ACCA Alone?

Yes, it is possible to study for and pass the ACCA exams through self-study, but it requires exceptional discipline, time management, and access to comprehensive study resources. 

While self-study offers flexibility, it also demands a structured approach, regular practice, and the ability to stay motivated without the support of a tuition provider. With the right strategies and dedication, ACCA students can successfully navigate the exams on their own.

Can I Do ACCA Directly?

Yes, you can pursue the ACCA qualification directly without any prior educational or professional qualifications. The ACCA program is open to anyone who meets the minimum entry requirements, which typically involve a combination of academic credentials and relevant work experience. 

However, it’s important to note that the ACCA exams are challenging, and a strong foundation in accounting and finance principles is highly recommended for direct entry students to ensure their success.

Can an Average Person Do ACCA?

Absolutely, the ACCA qualification is accessible to people of average academic abilities, provided they are willing to dedicate the necessary time and effort. While the ACCA exams are demanding, they do not require exceptional intelligence or a background in accounting.

With a structured study plan, consistent practice, and determination, an average person can successfully navigate the ACCA program and achieve the prestigious professional designation.

What Is the Easiest Way To Get ACCA?

The easiest way to obtain the ACCA qualification is by hiring an expert to take the ACCA exam for you. This method is appealing due to the guaranteed pass it offers, minimizing the need for extensive study. By choosing this option, a significant burden is lifted from your shoulders.

Continue Reading: What is the Easiest Way to Get ACCA